A big part of getting ready to go to Antarctica is getting Physically Qualified ("PQ"ed). Every participant in the US Antarctica Program has to go through this, whether they are an employee like me or a grantee. The reason behind this is of course is of course that hospitals are a long way away from The Ice. There is a doctor at each US station but the equipment and supplies for dealing with a serious health problem is very limited. Medical evacuations are possible in some circumstances but always take time and huge amounts of resources. The better approach is just to send healthy people.
So, I've been diligently going to all of my doctor's appointments for the past two months. I've been to my dentist, my family practice doctor, my optometrist, the blood test lab, and the urine test lab.
And today it was a big relief to get word that all of the required paperwork has been received in order. I'm officially PQed ! This clear the way for my travel arrangements to be made to Punta Arenas Chile and to the continent.
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