Then, in February we started getting sunset before bedtime. Growing earlier by 6 minutes every day, the sunset was soon happening at dinnertime.
Now, the seasons seem to be moving quickly. Snow we had a week ago is still on the ground and wind whips the harbor into small whitecaps. 1000 miles away at the tip of South America, our ship the LM Gould is waiting to cross the Drake Passage and bring the winter crew in. Days of a strong low pressure system have driven waves to 14 meters. This is extreme weather, even for the southern ocean. The ship is waiting and will cross when weather calms down in a few days.

Its a pleasure for me to feel the change of seasons. But it also marks my departure. When the Gould arrives, I will train my replacement and then leave, departing by April 6th. I arrived to station in early spring and I'm leaving, nearly 7 months later, in late Fall. Its been an extreme privilege to be immersed in the environment during this time. It will also be a pleasure to return home and tell more people about what I saw down here.
Wow. So closes an incredibly precious chapter of your life.
I have to say that I loved seeing all the photographs that you and the others took. I hope when you get back to civilization you have a nice big salad and come up with another adventure to have!
Also, I know you would be a strong team member on some of my kayaking trips, so keep in touch!
I've loved reading your blog! I hope you'll do some more blogging now that you're back.
And ... how was the Drake?
What an amazing adventure! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Sweet pics Louise, Is the conex in front of the station still for recycle, the one across from the dive shop? Looks like you had a good season, and did yall have a lot of crosstown dinners with the ship?
I saw you on Nat Geo, Known Universe, just today May 31, 2009. This show answered for me questions I hadn't even thought of yet, but these questions were somewhere in the back of my mind. I am fasinated by the universe and the subjects this show covered.
I did the google thing and reached this point. What an interesting life you've led. Working at NASA to reach out and understand the Universe and then going to work on the ice.
Will I be able to check back here and see what you do next?
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