Nearby Torgerson Island has become a very busy place. The Adelie penguins have arrived to their rookery. Over the last weeks we have seen first two or three birds, then a few more and now, in these lengthening spring days, the whole population has come suddenly come ashore. Adelies are beautiful, about 30 inches tall, and more playful than the other penguins in the area. Their colonies are raucous places full of their loud braying calls and flipper waving. The staff down here refers to them as being the "three years old of the penguin world".

A day after the males arrived, the females came ashore, swelling the population to about 600 birds.
Penguins are mostly monogamous, forming partnerships that last many seasons and so, within minutes of coming ashore, most of the females recognized and reunited with their mates from last year. Nonetheless, for those birds whose partners did not make it back to the rookery, or who have not reunited with their mate, there will be fierce breeding competition over the next few weeks.

Once their nests are built, the females will lay two (or rarely three) eggs which the couple will take turns incubating. Field biologists are arriving on the next boat and they will have the pleasure of monitoring this colonythroughout the spring as the young hatch and are raised. I'll keep you posted !

Awesome! I know how they go about things is pretty much totally serious to them, but can't help but think that sometimes they're intentionally goofy.
I don't know, I'd like to think we're not the only species with a sense of humor !
I'm jealous! I think I could watch penguins all day long and never get tired of it. :) That was always my favorite exhibit at the Boston Aquarium.
Wow, those are amazing pictures!
Hi Louise! What a fantastic blog! I am so excited to follow along!
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